Ignite your soul with the power of the erotic.


Welcome. I am so glad you’re here.

Billie is wearing a dark robe with a dark background. There are flowers on the robe, and Billie is looking down.

Hi, I’m Billie Sage.

As an erotic ritualist and sacred intimate I’ve spent years travelling the world exploring, learning, and practicing the art and spirituality of erotic ritual and healing.

In my heart I feel erotic energy has the power to ignite, expand, and heal the mind, body, and spirit – and that erotic exploration is a deeply sacred and nurturing experience.

In my travels I’ve seen the power of erotic energy move mountains, light fires, and transform lives.

Come join me and descend into your own erotic journey in a time away from time.

I embrace the holistic nature of human experience, honoring the sacredness of eroticism and depthful connection, often missing in today’s world.

Billie Sage signature in orange cursive style font

Visiting Me:

Come visit my sanctuary in the heart of Downtown Victoria, BC. Nestled in a quiet neighbourhood home, I offer a respite space for erotic exploration and journeying.

As you enter, you may notice the subtle whispers of old-world magic. I value and take great pride in the practices of my ancestors. I aim to offer this quality of embodied lineage in my work: each session I hope to offer as a voyage into your inner being, guided by both ancient wisdom and modern understanding.

Upon visiting my space, you’ll likely find homemade quilts or batches of ferments on the counter— a reminder of the nourishment and transformation that awaits you here.

Come join me on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment—a journey into the inner realm of eros.

Orange Pot on white stove. There is a red and neutral tea towel on the stove handle, and there are twinkle lights in the background.

Love Letters:

“It was so great to meet you Billie. You have such a fantastic aura about you. I felt very comfortable with you, like you were in my own skin. The treatment, eroticism and senselessness of that experience was amazing. I truly enjoyed the progression and the pace of each act.”

“I have been thinking of our encounter often. You were so kind and giving, and I really enjoyed myself. Thank you for your understanding, your grace, and your patience as I tried to figure it out what it was I was looking for. I appreciate you!”

“You’ve mastered your craft.”

“I didn’t think I would ever try pegging – and I’m so happy I have! Thank you for being so reassuring and comforting.”

“Just reflecting on today’s session and how well you have made me feel. Your intuition and ability to coordinate with my body’s movements was exquisite.”

“You’re definitely in your wheelhouse. I learnt a lot and that was so much fun!”

“Your sessions are far exceeding my expectations. You are very giving and have as much stamina as me!”

“I saw your ad on Kijiji as well as Leolist and I just felt such a sense of relief. There are so few genuine, kind-looking people offering what you do.”

“Our session was the most therapeutic thing I’ve experienced.”

“Wow, that session really exceeded my expectations. I haven’t been touched that way for years. It was exquisite. Thank you!”

“Just wanted to say Thank You for our session a couple of weeks ago. I’m still thinking about it daily and looking forward to the next one.”

“It was so nice to see you today. Thank you for taking the time to see me and make me feel safe, welcome and special. I will be reaching out again to see you soon – I really appreciate you”

“You scratched an itch I didn’t know I had – and it was delicious!”

Why Erotic Ritual?

Erotic ritual has transformed my life, and I have seen the cauldron of erotic ritual transform the lives of so many others.

I began studying and working in the realm of the erotic in 2006. I loved the work I was doing, and I was good at it. I worked as a sex educator supporting folks as they learnt about how to have better sex. It was very rewarding work. I worked with people from all sorts of different life experiences, and, it was a real joy learning about the sex they were having and how to best support them in having more of the sex they longed for.

One day I met someone who offered erotic rituals, and, it piqued my interest. I decided to not think about it too much and dove into a session. And, that session was the beginning of profound spiritual and sensual embodied change for me. While in that session I was guided in how to be with my body and pleasure, and how to express my erotic energy. I felt deeply held as the complex erotic being I was. I felt my body ignite.

I couldn’t go back after that. I wanted more. This led me into a beautiful chapter of travel and adventure, where I sought out and learnt from erotic ritualists, masseuses, tantrikas, dominants, sex workers – travelling the globe in my quest. I wanted to immerse my soul in the magic that I was experiencing. I wanted to understand the science behind it. The transformative neuroscience, biology, chemistry, and spirituality of sexual healing, trauma recovery, tantra, and erotic ritual work enraptured me. This was a new realm – one of communing with the pleasures of my body and wider world in a deeply intimate way. It was a soul awakening experience.

After such a transformative journey along the winding path of reclaiming my erotic joy, it only made sense that I would become a sacred intimate – a bringer of erotic joy – for others. I have offered erotic rituals across Canada and Europe, plus to journeyers from Spain, Brazil, Lebanon, Romania, South Africa, Iran, the USA, and many more beautiful places on this planet. I have savoured every single opportunity to drop into transformative exploration with others. I treasure being an erotic ritualist and guide for those who are wishing to deepen into the erotic and immerse themselves in the pleasurable delights of ecstasy. I treasure being an educator for those who wish to practice expanding their pleasure using the sacred gifts of breath, sound, movement, touch, and imagination. And I treasure being a companion for those who wish to be exquisitely held and cared for as they tend to their erotic wounds and fall back in love with life.

Connecting with bliss is a journey. Listening to our erotic souls is a skill. Communing with the Divine is a process. It’s rare to be taught these practices, yet make no mistake – they are learnable. Having travelled the path of manifesting a deeply erotic life, I delight in being in service to you and your manifestation journey.

That is why I am here.

If your pleasure is calling, please be in touch. If your curiosity is calling, please be in touch. If your wounds are calling, please be in touch. All of you is welcome in the space of erotic ritual – a space of expanded feeling, curiosity, healing, possibility, and embodied pleasure. 

About me:

Billie sits on a dark rock, with a sheepskin. Billie is looking off camera, and is holding a dark floral robe closed

As an erotic ritualist and sacred intimate I have offered rituals, massages, and healing touch across Canada and Europe, plus to journeyers from Spain, Brazil, Lebanon, Romania, South Africa, Iran, the USA, and many more beautiful places on this planet.

I have savoured every single opportunity to drop into transformative exploration with others. I treasure being an erotic ritualist and pleasure guide for those who are wishing to deepen into the erotic realm and immerse themselves in the sensual delights of embodied ecstasy. I treasure being an educator for those who wish to practice expanding the pleasure that is possible using the sacred gifts of breath, sound, movement, touch, and imagination. And it’s an honour to be a companion for those who wish to be exquisitely held as they tend to their erotic wounds and fall back in love with life.

When I’m not immersed in the realm of the erotic, I adore preparing and savouring delicious food, tending my garden, spending long hours at the ocean and in the woods, reading, indulging in my creative practices, luxuriating in the bath, and humouring my dark chocolate habit.

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”

-Joseph Campbell